A cena con delitto
MURDER PARTY: Italy, Europe and Worldwide


Murder party in English or other foreign language

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Murder party in English or other foreign language

Participants in the Murder party come from different countries and / or do not speak Italian?

No problem, organize dinner with murder in English, German, French, Spanish or other foreign language.

Depending on the composition of the group there are two different alternatives:

  • use only one language (eg, Murder party in English);
  • two languages??: eg. Murder party in Italian and English. To make it even more realistic Murder party, the investigation becomes a case involving an international team of detectives multinational: eg. an FBI agent (who speaks English) and an agent of the RIS (who speaks in Italian). To participants in the Murder party is given the dossier of the investigation translated into more languages ??(eg English and Italian).

We have successfully organized dinners with murder in English and other languages ??for multinational companies with staff from different nations.

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